With advancements in IoT,
energy resources, and the expansion of AI usage,
our solutions meet the various demands of industries and new technologies.


  • Injection molding of carbon, magnesium, etc.
  • Specialized molding of aluminum
  • Specialized resin molding to eliminate assembly
  • Forming technology with increased material deformation rate
  • New materials and manufacturing methods

Fastening Methods

  • Provide in-house calculation and analysis (torque, axial forces, etc.) of suitable fastening conditions to customer designs.
  • Proposal for fastening method with consideration to characteristics of the mating part
  • Product and equipment proposals for automated and robotic fastening methods

Operational Savings

  • Proposals to improve on-site ease-of-use and efficiency by reducing process time, errors, and customer assembly through component integration.
  • Propose solutions through dedicated equipments, automated assembly and inspection machines for issues that may arise on site.

Various consultations, including support for new projects, are also available to our clients.